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A great juicer to get you started
As mentioned in a previous article, juicing and whole food nutrition is the only way to give the body what it truly needs in terms of nutrition. For those looking to incorporate juicing into their routine to boost their nutrient intake, finding a great juicer is the first step. With so many options out there, the team at Reviews.com put together a guide to the best juicers to help. Here are a few factors they suggest to consider:
Masticating or cold-press? The jury’s still out on this one. Some readers believe that cold-press juicers are superior in nutrient extraction and/or juice, but studies show that the difference between the two extraction types is minimal. To get the most out of your juice, focus on reducing oxidation, which lowers the nutritional quality of produce and thus, juice. Try adding citrus (which contains citric acid, a natural preservative) to your blend and refrigerating your fruits and veggies the night before. You can also optimize your nutrient absorption by adding a little oil to your recipe, which can help your body absorb fat-soluble vitamins.
Settings and Efficiency. Look for a juicer model that offers a variety of settings, which can help cater to a wide variety of produce from watery apples to relatively dry leafy greens. You’ll also want to opt for a model that is easy to set up and put away to make juicing as easy to incorporate as a daily activity as possible. A simple design also allows for easy cleaning, which is essential for daily use.
For more information about finding a great juicer for your needs, and to see which their team recommends, you can check out the full guide here: https://www.reviews.com/juicer/
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