It is just absolutely amazing to me how people just "do not get it"! What is so hard in understanding what whole food nutrition is? I talk to people who have cancer, parents who have children with ADHD and ADD, children who are sick all the time, parents who are sick all the time, and everyone just seems to want a "fix". I don't have a fix, but I do know that whenever something is going on and I have been to the doctor in the past (especially with my cholesterol) she says, "CHANGE YOUR DIET". So what better way to do that than with whole food nutrition! That's why I just absolutely love Juice Plus. I get all of the nutrients that I need. But, try to explain that to someone! People roll their eyes and say things like -- "If it's so great, why don't the doctors tell us about it?" Well, doctors didn't go to school to PREVENT disease, they went to school to TREAT disease! Everyone looks at a capsule as a "pill". I use to do the same thing. But with Juice Plus and whole food nutrition, it has a Nutrition Label, NOT a Supplement label. Any idea what the difference is? Nutrition is FOOD! If Juice Plus were to be sold in the grocery store it would be in the fresh veggie isle. As a matter of fact, in States where there is no food tax, people do not pay tax on Juice Plus!. How amazing is that! What I've learned is that Supplement basically means that...... ok, the best way I can explain it is.....An apple has 10,000 phytonutrients, so let's say that a supplement shows a % of vitamin C, that is an isolated portion of the whole entire phytonutrients that the apple actually has to where Juice Plus whole food has a portion of ALL of that entire 10,000 in the capsule. Does that make sense? All I know is that I will take Juice Plus until the day I die because of what it has done for me. I just absolutely love Juice Plus, and I love my husband too. He wants me to write blogs and I'm just not sure how to do that. But if I were to write on a daily basis, would anyone read? Have a very blessed day!