Pina Colada Smoothie

We are crazy about fruits, vegetables and berries.
Our goal is to give you the best that fresh, ripened fruits, vegetables and berries have to offer. This is how we do it!
Step 1: We love our farmers.
We partner with family farmers, who take pride in their seeds, fields and orchards, growing the amazing fruits, vegetables and berries that go into our capsules.
Step 2: Our farmers harvest at the peak of ripeness.
We wait until mother nature has done her job and allow the fruits and vegetables to ripen. By harvesting the fully ripened produce, we capture the maximum nutrition possible.
Step 3: The “quick freeze.”
If our farms aren’t close enough to where we make the capsules, we take that wonderfully ripened produce and give it the “quick freeze”, also known as IQF (individual quick freeze) by the product nerds. This ensures we don’t lose any valuable nutrients along the way as we prepare for the next step.
Step 4: Create fruit, vegetable and berry powders.
We selected 30 different fruits, vegetable and berries for our three blends. We juice the whole fruit, vegetable or berry, including peels, leaves and seeds whenever possible, to harvest the greatest amount of nutrients. We dry to remove water and create the colorful powders. (And from what I understand, we dry at very low temperatures to keep the live enzymes in tact.)
Step 5: Protect the plant-based goodness.
The powders are kept in a vegan capsule and preserved in special bottles that keep it protected from moisture and oxygen, ensuring that it stays fresh from our storage facility and all the way to your door.
Et Voilà! (And there you have it!)
Beautiful fruit, vegetable and berry capsules to help you build a solid nutritional foundation!
Over 30 Years of Clinical Research.
I hear so much about how sugar is bad for our body. I can fall off the wagon though when it comes to some “sweets”. Laying here with a broken ankle has been quite a challenge. I’ve been blessed with friends bringing meals which my husband and I have thoroughly enjoyed. Sitting around trying to eat healthy was going great! That is until a friend brought over a small strawberry cake. I found myself enjoying it with a cup of decaf coffee- oh so good. But you know, that’s when my ankle started hurting more than it had been. Go figure! I wasn’t snacking on my fruits and veggies but on sugar. So there IS proof in the pudding! Whole food does heal the body.
I realize that we can’t control everything in our lives but we CAN control what we put in our body!
Just a little eye opener visual here, and then a helpful healthy alternative that can really be beneficial to your health!! 👏🏼
93 grams of sugar in a small shake- that is about 23 teaspoons of sugar in one drink! 😳🤔🤢
Try this healthier option and your hormones, blood sugar, adrenals, pancreas, liver – well, your entire body will thank you!!!!
🍀☘️☘️☘️ 💚💚💚💚 💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼
The power of whole food nutrition never ceases to amaze me. This country is so unhealthy and needs more fruits, vegetables and berries in capsules or chewables as part of their daily intake. Did you know that you need at least 7 to 13 servings a day! This also means a variety. Eating green beans three times a day does not count as three servings. It has to be a variety, preferably raw and needs to be vine-ripened. Can you eat this every day? Do you know anyone who actually does? By the way, have you noticed that when you purchase produce, that most of the time it is not ripened? That’s because it was harvested before it’s time which means that it has already lost over 75% of it’s nutritional value by the time you eat it.
If you would like to know more about flooding your body with the nutrients from 30+ vine-ripened fruits, vegetables and berries encapsulated in whole food capsules or chewables, send me a message and I’ll be happy to talk with you. It is the most thoroughly researched nutritional product on the market. Ask Siri, she’ll tell you. By the way, kids from 4 years of age through college eat FREE through the Healthy Starts for Families program.
Read the article from the Journal of Clinical Medicine here
© 2025 · Nutritonisit.